Yuri Sanada is an experienced INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCIST; Successful businessman; EXPLORER with expeditions carried out on 6 continents, being the only Brazilian accepted as a Fellow Member of one of the most exclusive societies in the world, the New York Explorers Club; PRODUCER of the first Brazilian IMAX film that received 2 Lumiére Awards and 5 GSCA awards; YOUTUBER; bestseller author on the history of Brazil; WRITER awarded at the Bienal de São Paulo; ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVIST who created the Casa Orgânica and Earth Odyssey projects. He is currently developing productions with partners in HOLLYWOOD. From his HOME and SUSTAINABLE STUDIO in Brazil, with his wife Vera, he carries out challenging projects all over the world.

Images of some of Yuri Sanada lectures in Brasil and abroad.
Yuri Sanada lecture to NY Explorers Club about his latest project.
THIS IS BRAZIL, video series presented by Yuri Sanada